Background: Adenomyosis is a poorly understood, benign disease of the uterus.
Objective: In this study, patient interviews were conducted to characterize the symptoms and impact of adenomyosis.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study in which women with adenomyosis were recruited from five US clinics and a health-related social network forum. Participants (aged 18-55 years) were pre-menopausal with a history of regular menstrual cycles. Participants were interviewed about their experiences with adenomyosis, symptoms and impacts on day-to-day activities (concept elicitation), and subsequently about the occurrence, relative severity, and impact of symptoms (card-sorting exercise).
Results: In total, 31 women were interviewed. Mean duration since onset of first adenomyosis symptom was 5.7 years; 41.9% reported severe/very severe adenomyosis. Over 50 symptoms and 30 impacts of adenomyosis were reported in the concept elicitation; 87% of symptoms were reported after 7 interviews and 78% of impacts after 5 interviews, indicating a condition with a significant symptom burden and a consistent presentation. The most common symptoms were heavy menstrual bleeding (87%), cramps (84%), and blood clots during menstrual bleeding (84%). The most common impacts were burdensome self-care hygiene (71%), and fatigue/low energy (71%). In the card-sorting exercise, the most commonly endorsed symptoms were pain during menstruation/menstrual cramps and heavy menstrual bleeding (both frequently rated as severe). The symptom with the highest impact was heavy menstrual bleeding.
Conclusion: Initiatives to understand women's experiences with adenomyosis may improve management of the condition. This study provides a first step in understanding their experience and new information on the symptom profile of adenomyosis.