Outcome measurement in outpatient and day-care mental health facilities for children and adolescents in Spain remains limited, in part due to a lack of validated scales. To address this issue, we translated HoNOSCA (glossary, score sheet, self-rated questionnaire, and parent/legal guardian questionnaire) into Spanish and Catalan using a reverse translation approach. We ascertained the validity and psychometric quality of the HoNOSCA in Spanish by assessing correlation with the Children's Global Assessment Scale (C-GAS). We recruited 64 participants 7-17 years of age in five day-care Psychiatry hospitals in Catalonia (Spain). Two evaluators administered both instruments twice, two weeks apart. Patients and parents/legal guardians completed the corresponding HoNOSCA versions. We calculated Cronbach's alpha for assessing internal consistency, intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) for inter-rater and test-retest reliability, and Pearson's correlation coefficients for validity. We found that all HoNOSCA versions in Spanish presented satisfactory internal consistency, inter-rater and test-retest reliability. Concurrent validity for HoNOSCA-Glossary was also acceptable, with Pearson's coefficients of -0.543 and -0.519 for evaluators in the first administration, and of -0.675 and -0.685 in the second administration. HoNOSCA was also successfully translated into Catalan; acceptability was determined using cognitive interviews.
Keywords: HoNOS; HoNOSCA; Psychometrics; Scale Validation; Spanish.
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