The Choosing Wisely campaign has stimulated many clinicians to think about the appropriateness of various tests and treatments. Most of the recommendations published thus far are adult-focused. In this commentary, we discuss the development and early implementation of a Choosing Wisely 'top 5' list specifically aimed at children being cared for at our tertiary care children's hospital. We hope that this will encourage others involved in the health care of infants and children to engage in further thought and discussion about the appropriateness of current tests and therapies. Despite often focusing on the deficiencies, we are privileged to have a highly developed and well-resourced health care system in Canada which allows us tremendous freedom to order tests and treatments. It is incumbent on us as health care providers to exercise that privilege with the utmost responsibility and strive to choose wisely and thoughtfully when selecting tests and therapies for our patients.
Keywords: Choosing Wisely; Paediatric hospital medicine; Quality Improvement..