Honey bee venom (Apis mellifera) is a mixture of many components, both amines, peptides enzymes and toxins. Most of the enzymes are allergens with different allergenic potential. It may affect not only to the symptoms, it may also contribute to the success of immunotherapy. In some cases the problem of a bee venom allergy diagnosis is difficult due to the imperfection of the classical diagnostic methods. In the present work reports in the literature regarding the bee venom allergy diagnosis on the basis of identification of the venom allergen sIgE to components are summarized. The use of recombinant allergens has allowed for the study of sIgE against the allergenic components, and thus determination of the individual profile of allergy. Extending the test panel of bee venom components to rApi m10 and rApi m3 compared to rApi m1 increases the diagnostic sensitivity by identifying new allergens that are not always present in the available preparations used in immunotherapy.