Not a dimer but a monomer was found in the X-ray structure analysis of the complex "trans-[{FeCl(depe)2 }2 (µ-N2 )](BPh4 )2 " (depe=Et2 PCH2 CH2 PEt2 ). The complexes [FeXN2 (depe)2 ]BPh4 (X=Cl, Br; structure of the cation for X=Cl shown on the right) are much less stable than the analogous hydride compounds and undergo N2 exchange at room temperature even in the solid state.
Keywords: Iron; Moessbauer spectroscopy; N2 complexes; Nitrogen fixation; P ligands.
© 1998 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, Fed. Rep. of Germany.