Objective: This paper investigates the subjective needs of psychiatric patients in relation to the housing conditions with an additional focus on inclusion and participation. Furthermore, it examines differences in clinical and socio-demographic parameters, self-measured quality of life, stage of recovery.
Methods: In this quantitative cross-sectional study, we compared 50 patients in a psychiatric acute ward setting, who were looking for a residence in a sheltered housing facility with 50 patients in a sheltered housing facility using structured interviews.
Results: Patients living in a sheltered housing facility reported less unmet needs. However, no differences regarding inclusion and participation were found. More unmet needs were associated with poorer quality of life, and less social inclusion in both groups.
Conclusions: Patients in sheltered housing facilities report less unmet needs. Nevertheless, more efforts are needed to regarding inclusion of these patients. A "supported inclusion"-approach should be considered.
Keywords: Housing first; Inclusion; Needs; Quality of life; Sheltered Housing; Supported Housing.