Background: Children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia receive vincristine, a chemotherapy drug known to cause peripheral neuropathy. Yet, few studies have examined the association of vincristine to fine motor function.
Purpose: This study will describe the fine motor skills and function of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia on maintenance vincristine.
Method: A prospective case series design assessed manual dexterity and parent-reported fine motor dysfunction of 15 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in relation to cumulative vincristine exposure.
Findings: Almost half of the participants had below-average fine motor skills compared to age-related norms, and 57% of parents observed functional motor problems in their children. No significant associations were found between vincristine, manual dexterity, and functional motor skills.
Implications: Early detection and intervention for fine motor difficulties is suggested. Research with a larger sample is necessary to further explore the association of vincristine and fine motor function in this clinical population.
Keywords: Activities of daily living; Motor skills; Movement Assessment Battery for Children–2; Oncologie; Oncology; Pediatrics; Pédiatrie; activités de la vie quotidienne; habiletés motrices.