As the use of filmless examination images, using various systems, has increased, and became common to perform KAKUTEI and save the images. In particular, the use of quality assurance system for images (Kenzo system) has increased to ensure the efficient performance of confirmed image. However, there has been no report showing what kind of function should be used or how to write the specifications of such a function in introducing the Kenzo system. Therefore, this study conducted a survey to the in-charge medical staff of medical institutions to provide "information included in the specifications when introducing medical systems". As a result, it is possible, through analyzing and clarifying the necessary functions of the Kenzo system, to apply it in medical institutions with various scales and workflows. The results indicate the person in charge was looking for functions, such as "coordination of information and image processing, securing the consistency of the information, and clarifying responsibility using the records of confirmed persons". We showed examples of how to describe these in the specifications.
Keywords: confirming image (KAKUTEI); introduction; quality assurance system for images (Kenzo system); quality control; requested functions.