Aim of the study: To obtain a consensus from a panel of experts (GP and cardiologists) on the elements to appear on the correspondence sent by GP at the patient's first consultation with the cardiologist and on the response of the cardiologist.
Method: A list of proposals concerning the content of the exchanges between the GP and the cardiologist was established by a scientific council of three GPs and one cardiologist, based on a review of the literature and their practices. This list was submitted for evaluation to a panel of GP and cardiologists experts using the modified RAND/UCLA Delphi method.
Results: Twenty nine experts (16 MG and 13 cardiologists) participated in the two evaluation rounds. For the contents of the letter written by the GP, 11 themes have reached consensus: administrative data, reason for consultation, history of the disease, recent constants, current treatments, current or previous pathologies and cardiovascular risk factors, physical activity, psychosocial context, test results, question asked to the cardiologist, cardiologist's perimeter of action. For the contents of the letter of the cardiologist's response, 11 themes were agreed: administrative data, reason for consultation, previous information, clinical examination, ECG, ultrasound, other complementary examinations, answer to the question asked by the GP, dietary treatments, proposed treatments, proposal for follow-up and management.
Conclusion: This study have reached consensus on the elements to appear on the letters exchanged between the GP and the cardiologist.
Keywords: Cardiologist; Cardiologue; Consultation; Correspondence; Courrier; Delphi method; General practitioner; Médecin généraliste; Méthode Delphi.
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