Purpose: It is unclear whether obstructing colorectal cancer (CRC) has a worse prognosis than non-obstructing CRC. Of CRC patients, 10-28% present with symptoms of acute obstruction. Previous studies regarding obstruction have been primarily based on short-term outcomes, risk factors and treatment modalities. With this study, we want to determine the long-term survival of patients presenting with acute obstructive CRC.
Methods: This single-centre observational retrospective cohort study includes all CRC patients who underwent surgery between December 2004 and 2010. Patients were divided into two groups: ileus and no ileus. Survival analyses were performed for both groups. Additional survival analyses were performed in patients with and without synchronous metastases. The primary outcome was survival in months.
Results: A total of 1236 patients were included in the analyses. Ileus occurred in 178 patients (14.4%). The 5-year survival for patients with an ileus was 32% and without 60% (P < 0.01). In patients without synchronous metastases, survival with and without an ileus was 40.9 and 68.4%, respectively (P < 0.01). If ileus presentation was complicated by a colon blowout, 5-year survival decreased to 29%. No significant difference was found in patients with synchronous metastases. Survival at 5 years in this subgroup was 10 and 12% for patients with and without an ileus, respectively (P = 0.705).
Conclusions: Patients with obstructive CRC have a reduced short-term overall survival. Also, long-term overall survival is impaired in patients who present with acute obstructive CRC compared to patients without obstruction.
Keywords: Colorectal cancer; Emergency surgery; Obstruction; Oncological outcome; Survival.