Bacteriology remained essentially manual for many years. After a partial automation for blood cultures, identifications and sensitivity testing, new technological developments including robotisation and digital pictures made it possible to open new ways. In the context of economic pression and need to increase the quality, automation offers multiple advantages concerning increase of productivity, standardization, traceability and decreasing of the delay to obtain the results. Moreover the use of digitalized pictures opens the way to tele-bacteriology, particularly useful when considering the merging of hospital laboratories because it makes it possible to geographically dissociate strict manipulation from the validation of the results and from the consultant activity of the microbiologist. The choice criteria of the equipment are detailed as well as the experience of the LHUB-ULB bacteriological laboratory which was automated at the time of merging of the Brussels public hospital laboratories and developed a conclusive experience of tele-bacteriology for the peripheral lab.
Keywords: automation; merging of laboratories; microbiology; telebacteriology.