Objective: To study the pharmacokinetic and tissue distribution of quercetin injection and submicron emulsion after intravenous administration in mice.
Methods: The concentration of quercetin in mice plasma and tissues were determined by RPHPLC.
Results: Liver had the highest tissue concentration of quercetin submicron emulsion, followed by plasma, kidney, spleen, lung, heart and brain. And their had significantly increased compared with the AUC0→tof plasma, liver, spleen, kidney and brain after administration of quercetin injection( P < 0. 05). The Rte and Re of liver, brain and spleen were all larger than 1.
Conclusion: Quercetin submicron emulsion significantly alters the plasma pharmacokinetic characteristics of quercetin after intravenous administration in mice. And it has good targeting location features in liver, brain, spleen and kidney.