Allergy to pomegranate is often associated with severe symptoms. Two allergens have previously been described: 9k-LTP Pun g 1 and pommaclein Pun g 7. This study describes the isolation of a chitinase III, identified by direct protein sequencing and mass spectrometry. It is a 29-kDa protein showing 69% sequence identity with the latex hevamine and IgE binding in dot blotting, immunoblotting and FABER®test. Chitinase-specific IgE were detected in 69 of 357 patients sensitized to one or more pomegranate allergenic preparations present on the FABER®test. Using this test, 19.2% of the patients sensitized to kiwifruit chitinase IV were also sensitized to pomegranate chitinase III, rather than to latex chitinase I (7.2%) with which it shares the N-terminal hevein-like domain. In conclusion, a new allergen has been identified, contributing to improving food allergy diagnosis. This study reveals the important role of chitinases III and IV as allergy sensitizers and prompts further investigations.
Keywords: Chitinase III; Chitinase IV; FABER(®) test; Food allergy; Pomegranate allergen.
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