Background: The composition of plaque impacts the results of stenting. The following study evaluated plaque redistribution related to stent implantation using combined near-infrared spectroscopy and intravascular ultrasound (NIRS-IVUS) imaging.
Methods: The present study included 49 patients (mean age 66 ± 11 years, 75% males) presenting with non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (8%), unstable angina (49%) and stable coronary artery disease (43%). The following parameters were analyzed: mean plaque volume (MPV, mm3), plaque burden (PB, %), remodeling index (RI), and maximal lipid core burden index in a 4 mm segment (maxLCBI4mm). High-lipid burden lesions (HLB) were defined as by maxLCBI4mm > 265 with positive RI. Otherwise plaques were defined as low-lipid burden lesions (LLB). Measurements were done in the target lesion and in 4 mm edges of the stent before and after stent implantation.
Results: MPV and maxLCBI4mm decreased in both HLB (MPV 144.70 [80.47, 274.25] vs. 97.60 [56.82, 223.45]; maxLCBI4mm: 564.11 ± 166.82 vs. 258.11 ± 234.24, p = 0.004) and LLB (MPV: 124.50 [68.00, 186.20] vs. 101.10 [67.87, 165.95]; maxLCBI4mm: 339.07 ± 268.22 vs. 124.60 ± 160.96, p < 0.001), but MPV decrease was greater in HLB (28.00 [22.60, 57.10] vs. 13.50 [1.50, 28.84], p = 0.019). Only at the proximal stent edge of LLB, maxLCBI4mm decreased (34 [0, 207] vs. 0 [0, 45], p = 0.049) and plaque burden increased (45.48 [40.34, 51.55] vs. 51.75 [47.48, 55.76], p = 0.030).
Conclusions: NIRS-IVUS defined HLB characterized more significant decreases in plaque volume by stenting. Plaque redistribution to the proximal edge of the implanted stent occurred only in LLB.
Keywords: intravascular ultrasound; near-infrared spectroscopy; plaque redistribution; stent edges; stenting.