The aim of this work was to shed light on the nutritional ingredients and antioxidant activity of donkey milk and powder. It indicated that basic components of donkey milk were closed to human milk, especially lactose. The fat content of donkey milk was lower than that of cow milk and human milk. The essential amino acids, fatty acids and taurine in donkey milk and powder were richer. The whey protein content of donkey milk was 49.08 g/100 g. The ratio of casein to whey protein in donkey milk and powder was 70.3:100. The cholesterol of donkey milk was 8.6 mg/100 g. Therefore, donkey milk and powder are typical low-fat and low-cholesterol foods. The precious values of donkey milk and powder are suitable calcium and phosphorus proportion, and strongly resistant to oxidation. In conclusion, donkey milk and powder are good supplementary of cow milk and powder, would be better for infant dietary.
Keywords: DPPH radicals scavenging ability; Donkey milk; Donkey milk powder; Hydroxyl radicals scavenging ability; Nutritional ingredients; Superoxide anion radicals scavenging ability; Total antioxidant capacity.