A 69-year-old man developed reduced consciousness of sudden onset. Examination and parameters were normal, except for a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of six. Brain imaging and blood tests were also normal, except for high plasma ammonia. His past medical history included epilepsy, hypertension and colitis. He was taking multiple antiepileptic medications, including sodium valproate, with no recent dose alterations. Medical intervention led to the sodium valproate being stopped and naloxone being administered. The patient's level of responsiveness and ammonia levels gradually improved. The patient was also being treated with ciprofloxacin for a urinary tract infection and a newly developed syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion treated with demeclocycline. There is an association between long-term sodium valproate use and low carnitine levels, especially in the setting of polypharmacy. This in turn precipitates hyperammonaemia and encephalopathy. This case highlights the importance of an adequate drug history and the awareness of serious but uncommon adverse effects.
Keywords: Sodium valproate; encephalopathy; hyperammonaemia; naloxone.
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