In current sampling approaches, there exists a divergence between the surveillance of arthropod-borne and that of non-arthropod-borne viruses. It is commonly held that the collection of vector specimens applies only to arbovirus surveillance and that the surveillance of non-arboviruses must rely on traditional methods that involve the sampling of blood, faeces or saliva, or other examinations. The vector-based approach is a sampling method that has the ability to survey both arboviruses and non-arboviruses by distinguishing engorged vector specimens from entire vector samples. Accordingly, five arboviruses and three non-arboviruses were detected in a study using a vector-based approach conducted during 2012-2015. Hence, this report provides the first description of the Taiwanese vector species for the bovine arboviruses detected. The present investigations demonstrate that the vector-based approach applies not only to the surveillance of arboviruses, but also has potential as a possible tool for monitoring non-arboviruses on livestock farms in the future.
Keywords: Culicoides biting midge; cattle; mosquito.
© 2018 The Royal Entomological Society.