Characterised classically by the association of buccal and genital ulceration and uveitis with hypopyon, Behçet's disease has many other manifestations, amongst which the neurological ones (often referred to as Neuro-Behçet) are important in view of their frequency and their gravity. Anatomically, it produces a subacute haemorrhagic and necrotising meningo-encephalitis, which most typically effects the hypothalamus and brainstem. Clinically, there is extreme polymorphism, central manifestations being the most frequent: seizures, organic brain syndromes, disorders of consciousness, aphasia, hemiplegia, cranial nerve palsies, pseudobulbar and extrapyramidal syndromes and meningism. The peripheral nerves and muscles are rarely affected. Alongside Neuro-Behçet per se, attention has recently been directed to the various cerebro-vascular manifestations, dominated by venous thrombosis. A review of the principal neurological manifestations is given, with comment on anatomico-pathological aspects, clinical presentation, investigational techniques, diagnostic difficulties, prognosis, and treatment.