Photosynthetic organisms often experience extreme light conditions that can cause hyper-reduction of the chloroplast electron transport chain, resulting in oxidative damage. Accumulating evidence suggests that mitochondrial respiration and chloroplast photosynthesis are coupled when cells are absorbing high levels of excitation energy. This coupling helps protect the cells from hyper-reduction of photosynthetic electron carriers and diminishes the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). To examine this cooperative protection, here we characterized Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutants lacking the mitochondrial alternative terminal respiratory oxidases, CrAOX1 and CrAOX2. Using fluorescent fusion proteins, we experimentally demonstrated that both enzymes localize to mitochondria. We also observed that the mutant strains were more sensitive than WT cells to high light under mixotrophic and photoautotrophic conditions, with the aox1 strain being more sensitive than aox2 Additionally, the lack of CrAOX1 increased ROS accumulation, especially in very high light, and damaged the photosynthetic machinery, ultimately resulting in cell death. These findings indicate that the Chlamydomonas AOX proteins can participate in acclimation of C. reinhardtii cells to excess absorbed light energy. They suggest that when photosynthetic electron carriers are highly reduced, a chloroplast-mitochondria coupling allows safe dissipation of photosynthetically derived electrons via the reduction of O2 through AOX (especially AOX1)-dependent mitochondrial respiration.
Keywords: AOX; algae; chloroplast; chloroplast-mitochondria; electron transport; electron transport system (ETS); high light; mitochondrial respiratory chain complex; molecular imaging; oxidative stress; photosynthesis; reactive oxygen species (ROS); redox; respiration.
© 2019 Kaye et al.