Background: To evaluate the efficacy of on-demand therapy using 20-mg vonoprazan for non-erosive reflux disease.
Methods: On-demand therapy by taking one 20-mg tablet of vonoprazan only when reflux symptoms occurred was performed for 8 weeks by 30 patients (11 men, mean age: 67.8) with non-erosive reflux disease who responded well to maintenance therapy using proton pump inhibitor and answered "very satisfied" or "satisfied" to an overall satisfaction survey (5-grade scale). The degree of overall satisfaction with the treatment, score of symptoms, and fasting gastrin levels before breakfast was examined before and after on-demand therapy. The number of vonoprazan tablets taken and the frequency (regular, temporary, rare) of its administration were also investigated.
Results: All patients completed 8-week on-demand therapy with 20-mg vonoprazan. Comparisons of patient satisfaction levels before and after therapy revealed no significant differences in the number of patients who were very satisfied and satisfied with the therapy. Furthermore, there were no significant differences in score of symptoms or gastrin levels before and after therapy. During 8-week on-demand therapy, patients took 11 tablets (median) (7.0-18.0 tablets: 25-75 percentiles), and 30.0% of patients (n = 9) took vonoprazan on a regular basis (at least 2 tablets a week).
Conclusion: On-demand therapy with 20-mg vonoprazan exerted equivalent effects to continuous PPI maintenance therapy for patients with non-erosive reflux disease.
Keywords: Maintenance therapy; Non-erosive reflux disease; On-demand therapy; Vonoprazan.