Soil pH is commonly considered a dominant factor affecting the function of microbiota. Few studies, however, have focused on communities of bacteria able to solubilize inorganic phosphate (iPSB), which are important for the mobilization of soil phosphorus (P), because finding an effective method to assess the abundance and diversity of iPSB communities is difficult. We used a newly reported method of database alignment and quantified the gene pqqC to analyze the compositions of iPSB communities from five soils with pH gradients ranging from 4 to 8. The iPSB community structure differed significantly between these soil types. Among iPSB community, Bacillus was the dominant genus, followed by Arthrobacter and Streptomyces. A redundancy analysis indicated that soil pH was the most important of 15 soil factors and their pairwise interactions, accounting for 5.12% of the variance. The abundance of the iPSB communities increased with pH within the gradients which was confirmed by experimental adjustment of pH, suggesting that the defect P status in high pH soil was speculated as the driving force of iPSB community population. Our study demonstrated the dominant role of soil pH on the iPSB community, which may contribute to the understanding the possible mechanism of microbial P mobilization for better improvement of P use-efficiency.