Background: Biliopancreatic diversion is perceived as the most effective operation for long-term treatment of massive obesity. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that gastroileal bypass with single anastomosis is a safe and feasible procedure with similar results to the classic derivation, but reducing surgical time without decreasing the efficacy.
Methods: Descriptive, observational, prospective study of patients undergoing gastroileal bypass with single anastomosis between April 2010 and December 2015. The postoperative follow-up was 24 months.
Results: One thousand five hundred twelve patients underwent gastroileal bypass. The mean time of the procedure was 32 min; the average stay was 2.2 days. 30.1% of patients lost more than 100% of their excess weight, and 72.35% of patients lost more than 75% of their excess weight. 95.17% of patients dropped to a BMI < 35; 75.99% to a BMI < 30 and 30.15% to a BMI < 25.
Conclusions: Gastroileal bypass with single anastomosis is a safe and fast procedure providing similar results to biliopancreatic diversion with respect to weight loss.
Keywords: Gastroileal-bypass.