The extensity of a chronic form of sarcocystosis was studied in certain age categories of cattle and pigs. The incidence of sarcocysts was investigated microscopically after 0.25% trypsin action in the muscles of bovine gullet and diaphragmal columns of pigs. Bovine fetuses and sucking calves did not have any sarcocysts. The first cases of positive findings were recorded in calves on milk diet (18.33%). The infestation rate of adult cattle is high in this country and reaches the level of 90%. The disease extensity in pigs is lower by an order and it did not exceed the level of 4%. There were found no significant differences (the mean 81.85%) in the infection rate in the cows coming from various regions of the CSR if the incidence of the disease was evaluated geographically. Larger percent differences were recorded between cattle and pig herds, mostly in the South Moravian Region, if evaluated by the districts and farms. The results of the investigation of 1273 head of cattle and 335 head of pigs coming from various farms were processed statistically. We tested the sarcocyst incidence in the muscular tissue in relation to the ways of housing and seasonal changes. Considerably lower rates of sarcocystosis infestation on the large cattle and pig farms were demonstrated. In the other case no relationship was proved. The samples taken in all year seasons could be evaluated in the same objective way. We discuss potential preventive measures of this parasitosis-zoonosis.