Introduction: Pyostomatitis vegetan (PV) is often associated with chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Observation: Two cases of PV are reported. Case number 1 is a 66-year-old patient treated with infliximab for ulcerative colitis (UC). He presented himself with rapidly progressing crusty, whitish, ulcerated lesions on his lips. Diagnosis of PV was made after biopsy. Regression of oral lesions was favourable with local application of dermocorticoids while continuing infliximab treatment. Case number 2 is a 20-year-old patient treated with infliximab for Crohn's disease (CD). She had cheilitis and angular cheilitis. Diagnosis of PV was made after biopsy. The evolution was favourable after treating with topical dermocorticoids.
Discussion: PV is associated in 75% of the cases with IBD. The digestive check-up is systematic. Diagnostic delay is often noted. Topical dermocorticoids are the first line of therapy.
Keywords: Colitis; Crohn disease; Inflammatory bowel disease; Pyostomatitis vegetan; Ulcerative.
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