From Phosphidic to Phosphonium? Umpolung of the P4 -Bonding Situation in [CpFe(CO)(L)(η1 -P4 )]+ Cations (L=CO or PPh3 )

Chemistry. 2019 Aug 9;25(45):10546-10551. doi: 10.1002/chem.201902075. Epub 2019 Jul 4.


Upon coordinating P4 to electron poor cyclopentadienyl-iron cations, the average P-P bond distances shrink and the respective P4 breathing mode in the Raman spectra (600 cm-1 , P4, free ) is blueshifted by >40 cm-1 in [CpFe(CO)(L)(η1 -P4 )]+ cations (L=CO or PPh3 ). Analysis suggests that this corresponds to an umpolung of the bonding from more phosphidic in the known, electron-rich systems to more phosphonium-like in the reported electron-poor versions. This may open new functionalization pathways for white phosphorus P4 .

Keywords: cations; clusters; iron; weakly coordinating anion (WCA); white phosphorus (P4).