Birth Plans and Childbirth Education: What Are Provider Attitudes, Beliefs, and Practices?

J Perinat Educ. 2019 Jan 1;28(1):10-18. doi: 10.1891/1058-1243.28.1.10.


We describe the perception and practices of obstetric providers on birth plans and childbirth education (CBE) classes. Using a national online survey, we collected provider and patient demographics, practice settings, and perceptions. Of 567 surveys, 77% were physicians and 22% were midwives. This cohort believed prenatal care and CBE were predictors of patient satisfaction, while they had unfavorable views of birth plans. Most providers routinely recommended (69.7%) and had favorable views on CBE (84%). Most providers (66.5%) did not recommend birth plans and 31% felt they were predictors of poor obstetrical outcomes. Further research is needed to bridge the gap between provider beliefs and patient desires about their birth experience as well as to understand how to improve childbirth-related patient satisfaction.

Keywords: birth; birth plan; childbirth education; obstetrics; shared decision making.