Quantitative imaging features (radiomics) extracted from apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps of rectal cancer patients can provide additional information to support treatment decision. Most available radiomic computational packages allow extraction of hundreds to thousands of features. However, two major factors can influence the reproducibility of radiomic features: interobserver variability, and imaging filtering applied prior to features extraction. In this exploratory study we seek to determine to what extent various commonly-used features are reproducible with regards to the mentioned factors using ADC maps from two different clinics (56 patients). Features derived from intensity distribution histograms are less sensitive to manual tumour delineation differences, noise in ADC images, pixel size resampling and intensity discretization. Shape features appear to be strongly affected by delineation quality. On the whole, textural features appear to be poorly or moderately reproducible with respect to the image pre-processing perturbations we reproduced.
Keywords: Apparent diffusion coefficient; Diffusion weighted imaging; Locally advanced rectal carcinoma; Magnetic resonance imaging; Radiomic feature reproducibility.
Copyright © 2019 Associazione Italiana di Fisica Medica. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.