Jugular foramen (JF) metastasis is rare and often presents as JF syndrome. A 73-year-old male complained of left-sided mastoid pain that irradiated to the neck since the past 3 months. Onset of facial nerve (FN) palsy and persistence of the symptomatology despite corticosteroid therapy demanded radiologic evaluation. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging showed a wide osteolytic lesion of the left JF with involvement of the third segment of the FN. The patient underwent transmastoid incisional biopsy. Histopathological examination showed an adenocarcinoma that was suggested to be of respiratory origin. A primary pulmonary lesion and metastasis to other sits were detected. The patient died 1 month after the initiation of the chemotherapy. Persistent mastoid pain and progressive FN palsy must be considered indicative of JF malignant lesions. Despite early diagnosis, secondary lesions of the JF are characterized by a poor prognosis; however, accurate diagnosis may avoid unnecessary aggressive surgery.