1 Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA.
2 Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA.
3 Division of Stem Cell Therapy, Distinguished Professor Unit, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
4 Cell Engineering Division, RIKEN BioResource Research Center, Tsukuba, Japan.
5 Department of Developmental Biology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA.
6 Stanford UC Berkeley Siebel Stem Cell Institute, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA.
7 Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA. nakauchi@stanford.edu.
8 Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA. nakauchi@stanford.edu.
9 Division of Stem Cell Therapy, Distinguished Professor Unit, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. nakauchi@stanford.edu.
10 Division of Stem Cell Therapy, Distinguished Professor Unit, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. y-sato4@ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp.
11 Division of Stem Cell Biology, Center for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. y-sato4@ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp.