Pharmacotherapy with uterotonics remains the mainstay of the management for post-partum haemorrhage. Clinical studies evaluating the efficacy of these drugs are fraught with confounders, which may influence uterine contractility and blood loss. For this reason, a range of techniques have been developed to study myometrial function in vitro, allowing for the comparison of various drugs in a controlled-simulated physiological environment. In this review, we focus on the main classes of uterotonic drugs and outline their molecular and physiological basis of action. We explore the evidence related to appropriate drug dosing and relative efficacy, and compare the evidence gleaned from clinical and in vitro studies. We discuss the mechanism of oxytocin desensitisation and how basic science has helped us understand this phenomenon. We also discuss the in vitro research findings for each of the main classes of uterotonic drugs that have contributed to an improved understanding of the management of post-partum haemorrhage and, ultimately, better care for mothers.
Keywords: In vitro research; Oxytocin desensitisation; Post-partum haemorrhage; Uterotonics.
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