Alkaline toxicity is a rare condition that can result in substantial health issues in both adults and children. In developed countries, incidents of alkaline ingestion are more prevalent than acidic ingestion. Incidents involving children accidentally consuming caustic substances occur commonly worldwide. However, fortunately, the small quantities of caustic substances ingested by children usually result in relatively benign effects. Conversely, intentional ingestions of caustic substances by adults usually involve larger quantities, leading to more severe consequences. Individuals who intentionally ingest caustic substances require comprehensive medical intervention and prolonged treatment.
Alkali toxicity refers to the harmful effects caused by exposure to alkaline substances, such as caustic chemicals or household cleaning agents. This condition can lead to severe injuries of the eyes, skin, or gastrointestinal tract. Clinical management includes a rapid assessment of the affected area, decontamination by flushing with copious amounts of water, and prompt medical attention. Evaluation may involve endoscopy for internal injuries, and treatment includes pain management, nutritional support, and surgical interventions if necessary. Education on prevention and safe handling of alkali substances is crucial to reducing the risk of such injuries.
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