A 0.2-cm intramural focus composed predominantly of myelocytes and metamyelocytes, many CD3+, CD43+ T-lymphocytes, scanty CD20+ B-lymphocytes, rare mast cells, but no eosinophils or myeloblasts was incidentally found in a ligation specimen of the left fallopian tube. The myeloid cells were positive for chloroacetate esterase, myeloperoxidase, myeloid marker BM2, and CD43, and they were negative for CD30, CD34, CD117, ERG, and TDT. The findings in the left fallopian tube were consistent with the diagnosis of differentiated myeloid sarcoma. The right fallopian tube was normal. No hematologic abnormalities were found elsewhere in the body. Curiously, the patient remains free of any hematologic abnormality for 18 years despite absence of treatment.
Keywords: fallopian tube; myeloid sarcoma.