The goal of this project was to assess usability and acceptance of a web-based tool after iterative development based on cognitive walkthroughs. The website is a "Research Roadmap", modeled after the NYC Subway map, and designed to help the user navigate the complex structure of research at a large multi-institution organization. A mixed process of evaluation and design was applied; after an initial survey phase, the website was revised, then another cycle of feedback was implemented. Surveys consisted of standardized questions with answers arranged as Likert-type scales and additional written responses. The first phase of survey feedback shaped overall design of the tool. The second phase measured task performance (time-to-completion), perceived ease-of-use, and satisfaction. These ongoing cycles of cognitive walkthroughs provided actionable data that led to redesign of the tool, an improved interface, improved user satisfaction, and 'above average' usability (top 10th percentile) as measured by the System Usability Scale.
Keywords: Human-computer Interaction; Usability; User-centered Design Methods.