ONO-2160 is a newly developed oral ester-type prodrug of levodopa for removing the problems in use of levodopa. It has a structure in which two of the same substituents are bound to levodopa. It is important to understand the pharmacokinetics and metabolic pathway for new drug candidate compounds. The aim of this study was to identify the major enzymes that contribute to the metabolism of ONO-2160 in human plasma. ONO-2160 was hydrolyzed by human serum albumin (HSA) and α1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) in human plasma, although the hydrolysis was not inhibited by various reported esterase inhibitors. The value of the intrinsic clearance per milliliter of plasma of ONO-2160 in AGP solution was greater than that in HSA solution and was comparable to that in human plasma. Therefore, AGP is responsible for the hydrolysis of ONO-2160 in human plasma. ONO-M, which is an intermediate metabolite of ONO-2160, has a structure in which one substituent is removed from ONO-2160 and was mainly generated in AGP solution, but not in human plasma or HSA solution. The hydrolysis of ONO-M by HSA was much greater than by AGP. These results indicate that ONO-M, which is mainly generated from ONO-2160 by AGP, is rapidly hydrolyzed by HSA, and that ONO-2160 generates levodopa via ONO-M in a relay-type reaction through AGP and HSA in human plasma. It has not been reported that AGP has esterase-like activity. These findings could be useful information for drug development of the ester-type prodrug.
Keywords: carboxyl esterase (CES); ester-type prodrug; human serum albumin (HSA); in vitro−in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE); α1-acid glycoprotein (AGP).