Background: Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is among the leading causes of vision loss in the USA, yet an estimated 50% of patients with diabetes do not receive recommended annual screening eye exams. Patients with diabetes and low socioeconomic status or who are racial/ethnic minorities are at increased risk for vision loss.
Methods: Qualitative interviews were conducted with 24 patients with diabetes at a federally qualified community health center in an urban area regarding factors influencing their use of screening. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed line by line to identify themes. The themes were organized in a theoretical framework of factors influencing receipt of screening.
Results: The median age of participants was 57.5 (range 44-73). Ten participants identified as female and 14 as male. Participants identified as Black (14), White (4), Hispanic (3), and other/no answer (3). Twenty-three had health insurance. Twenty-three had received an eye exam within in the past year, and 17 reported that they receive eye exams at least yearly. Four hundred fifteen comments were analyzed, and 22 concepts were identified under 7 broader themes and two overarching categories of individual and structural factors. Themes included vision status, competing concerns, emotional context, resource availability, in-clinic experience, cues to action, and knowledge about diabetes.
Conclusions: The factors that influence diabetic retinopathy screening utilization are complex. Visual symptoms and the need for glasses are important facilitators of screening. Many patients lack knowledge about diabetic retinopathy and the utility of preventative eye care. New strategies for engaging high-risk populations are necessary.
Keywords: Diabetes; Diabetic eye screening; Diabetic retinopathy; Health disparities; Ophthalmology; Qualitative research.