Despite the exploration of mitochondria-rich cells (MRCs) in different animal classes, very limited information has been documented about MRCs in reptiles. The present study was designed to investigate the effect of seasonal variation on the cell ultrastructure and ion transport protein activity of MRCs during hibernation and non-hibernation of Chinese soft-shelled turtle's intestine. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that, during hibernation the high-density cytoplasm of MRCs occupied large cross-sectional area and showed heterogeneous abundance of mitochondria and an expanded extensive tubular system as compared to non-hibernation. During hibernation the cytoplasm of MRCs exhibited more mitochondrial vacuolization, autophagosomes, phagophore formation and well-structured endoplasmic reticulum. During hibernation, MRCs connected with absorptive cells through wide interdigitation, and created tight junction and more desmosomes as compared to non-hibernation. Immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence showed, the strong immunopositive reactions and immunosignaling of Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) and Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporter (NKCC) at basolateral region of mucosal surface of intestine during hibernation. However, weak immunopositive reactions and immunosignaling of NKA and NKCC during non-hibernation. The statistical analysis showed that the number and size of MRCs with NKA-associated immunoreactivity were significantly increased during hibernation. NKA and NKCC mRNA expression was significantly increased during hibernation via qPCR. Further confirmed, the intensity of NKA and NKCC proteins was more elevated during hibernation than non-hibernation shown by immunobloting. However, the concentrations of the plasma ions Na+ and Cl- were significantly higher during hibernation; conversely, K+ concentration was significantly higher during non-hibernation. The findings suggest that the potential role of MRCs is affected by seasonal fluctuations, during which intestinal homeostasis and hydromineral balance are essential for turtles.
Keywords: Chinese soft-shelled turtle; Mitochondria-rich cell; Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase; Na(+)/K(+)/2Cl–cotransporter; Small intestine; Ultrastructure.
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