Objectives: Growth differentiation factor (GDF) 11 has been shown to reduce cardiac hypertrophy in mice. Low levels of GDF-11 are associated with cardiac hypertrophy in humans. The authors hypothesized that plasma GDF-11 level is decreased in cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Given the close homology between GDF-11 and myostatin/GDF-8, GDF-8 levels were also assessed.
Animals: Thirty-seven client-owned cats were enrolled, including cats with normal cardiac structure (n = 16), cats with HCM or hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM; n = 14), and cats with HCM and congestive heart failure (CHF; n = 7).
Methods: Plasma samples were analyzed for GDF-8 and GDF-11 using liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry. Levels of GDF-8 and GDF-11 were compared between cats with normal cardiac structure, HCM or HOCM, and CHF.
Results: No differences in GDF-11 concentrations were found between cats with normal cardiac structure and cats with HCM/HOCM, with or without history of CHF. Decreased GDF-8 concentrations were detected in cats with CHF compared to cats with HCM/HOCM without history of CHF (p=0.031) and cats with normal cardiac structure (p=0.027). Growth differentiation factor 8 was higher in cats with HOCM compared to those with CHF (p=0.002). No statistical difference was noted in GDF-8 level as a function of age, weight, or body condition score.
Conclusions: Plasma GDF-11 was not different between cats with HCM/HOCM and cats with normal cardiac structure regardless of age. Plasma GDF-8 was decreased in cats with CHF compared to cats with normal cardiac structure and cats with asymptomatic HCM/HOCM, suggesting a possible role in CHF development.
Keywords: Feline; Liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry; Myostatin.
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