Background: The authors presented a 63-year old female synchronously complicated with a thymic tumor located at the left-side of the superior mediastinum, and a paravertebral tumor located at the right-side of the lower thorax. Conventional thoracoscopic surgical procedure using rigid instruments to simultaneously resect the two tumors via the same ports might be technically challenging. To our knowledge, the use of a surgical robot allowed the surgeon to perform precise dissection from extreme angles with the characteristic of articulating surgical instruments.
Case presentation: Two lesions were successfully dissected using the da Vinci Surgical System through the same four ports on the right side of the chest and two-step docking. Firstly, the patient cart came from the dorsal side of the patient and the paravertebral neoplasm was dissected. Afterwards, the patient cart was undocked and the operation table was rotated 180 degrees counterclockwise. The robot was re-introduced and the patient cart came from the ventral side of the patient and the whole thymus was resected.
Conclusion: This case report suggests that two-step docking via the same four ports for these two tumors located at different directions of the thorax was safe and effective, demonstrating a clear advantage of the surgical robot.
Keywords: Mediastinal neoplasms; Paravertebral neurogenic tumor; da Vinci Surgical System.