We conducted a questionnaire survey (situation, patient factor, environmental factor, operator factor, degree of disability, countermeasure etc.) on cases that occurred up to the present to investigate the actual situation of the medical accidents that occur in the radiological examination department of medical institutions. There were 373 questionnaires collected. Among them, there were 197 cases of falls. In this study, we examined the age of patients who fell, the background of the accident, and factors. As for the accident, 11.7% of accidents with risk impact level 3b or higher occurred including the fatal accident. Of the accidents, 44.2% were foreseeable and 55.8% were unforeseeable. The most accident-prone age was elderly in their 60s to 80s. As the causative factor for the accident, the patient factor was the largest at 63.5%. We can prevent about 30% of the accident by improving the operator factor and the environmental factor which are parts other than patient factor. It is important for us to understand what kind of people tend to fall. Among foreseeable accidents, the causes of patient factors can be reduced.
Keywords: accident prevention; fall accident; medical safety; radiological examination.