The fur of piscivorous animals such as river otter (Lontra canadensis) and mink (Neovison vison) has been proposed to be used as a biomarker medium to assess mercury (Hg) exposure, but the relationship with dietary and environmental Hg exposure has not been fully characterized. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between fur total mercury (THg) and stomach content THg in river otter and mink, and their relationships with environmental factors. THg concentrations were measured in fur and stomach contents of river otter (n = 35) and mink (n = 30) collected from northern Alberta, Canada between 2014 and 2017. The fur THg concentration (mean ± standard deviation) was 6.36 ± 4.12 μg/g fur weight and 5.25 ± 3.50 μg/g fur weight and the average stomach content THg was 0.95 ± 0.56 μg/g dry weight and 0.71 ± 0.54 μg/g dry weight in river otter and mink respectively. There was a positive relationship between the log fur THg and log stomach contents THg for both species (p < 0.05). There was a positive relationship between the log THg of stomach contents and the percent of deciduous forest and a negative relationship with soil pH. There was a positive relationship between the log THg of fur and the total area burned by forest fire and a negative relationship with the percentage of wetlands. These results provide field evidence that fur can be used to reflect dietary Hg exposure and to identify sources and environmental factors that affect the bioavailable Hg in the habitats of these wildlife species.
Keywords: Bioavailability; Biomonitoring; Diet; Mercury; Stable isotopes.
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