Red cell genotyping has become widely available and now contributes to support transfusion of patients with hematologic diseases. This technology has facilitated the immunohematologic approach to antibody prevention, detection and identification. Donors, particularly rare donors, are most efficiently screened and identified by red cell genotyping. In transfused patients with challenging serologic reactivity, antibodies are more reliably identified when molecular typing information is available. Red cell genotyping of both donors and patients augments the selection of blood components. This technology, serving at the core of a real-time database inventory, is resulting in blood supply efficiencies. However, there is limited published evidence on the extent to which red cell genotyping has translated into improved clinical outcomes. Red cell alloimmunized patients may benefit the most in enhanced safety. For patients with antibodies to high-prevalence antigens, other than Rh, blood centers realized supply-chain efficiencies in the past decade. Prospective clinical trials and cost-effectiveness studies would contribute to further clarifying the optimal role of molecular testing in providing transfusion support for patients with hematologic diseases.