An Overview of Vulvar Cancer: A Single-Center Study from Northeast India

J Obstet Gynaecol India. 2019 Dec;69(6):541-545. doi: 10.1007/s13224-019-01261-z. Epub 2019 Aug 16.


Study: Carcinoma vulva is a rare cancer of the female genital tract. It mostly presents in postmenopausal women. The treatment of vulvar cancer is surgery, chemoradiation, radiotherapy or a combination of all modalities. Here, we present a study of 33 cases of carcinoma vulva over a period of 2 years at a Northeast India regional cancer institute describing its demographic features and treatment outcomes.

Methodology: A retrospective cohort study of vulvar cancer diagnosed at Northeast India regional cancer institute from January 2017 to December 2018.

Results: A total of 33 cases of biopsy proven carcinoma (Ca) vulva were studied. Maximum number of cases belonged to the age group: 60-69 years (39.4%). 66.67% cases had palpable inguinal lymph nodes at presentation, and 100% had squamous cell carcinoma on histopathology. Maximum number of cases belonged to stage III (44.8%), and least number of cases belonged to stage IV (10.3%) of FIGO 2009 staging of Ca vulva. 87.9% cases underwent treatment, and 12.1% were lost to follow-up. Out of the cases who underwent treatment, 55.2% cases were taken up for primary surgery and 44.8% cases for primary radiotherapy. 75% cases who underwent surgery received adjuvant radiotherapy. No complication was seen in patients post-radiation. But, 6.25% patients post-surgery developed lymphocyst and 18.75% patients developed wound necrosis (p > 0.05).

Conclusion: Vulvar cancer is not a common malignancy of the female genital tract that presents in sixth and seventh decades of life and often with palpable inguinal lymph nodes. Though early stages of Ca vulva are treated by surgery, the incidence of immediate postoperative complications in our study was more as compared to post-radiotherapy. Also, maximum patients in the present study post-surgery received adjuvant radiotherapy. Thus, radiotherapy can be considered as the primary treatment modality for patients with early as well as advanced vulvar carcinoma.

Keywords: Carcinoma vulva; Chemoradiation; Lymphocyst; Squamous cell carcinoma.