Introduction: Multiple sclerosis (MS) refers to chronic inflammation of the central nervous system including the brain and spinal cord. Dysphagia is a symptom that represents challenges in clinical practice. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of dysphagia in an Italian cohort of subjects with MS using the Dysphagia Outcome Severity Score (DOSS), based on fibre-optic endoscopy, and determine factors that correlate with the presence of swallowing problems.
Matherials and methods: Data were collected in a multicentre study from a consecutive sample of MS patients, irrespective of self-reported dysphagia. The study included 215 subjects. Possible scores for DOSS range from 7 to 1, with 7 indicating normal swallowing.
Results: One hundred twenty-four (57.7%) subjects demonstrated abnormal swallowing and 57 (26.5%) of these had swallowing problems that required nutrition/diet modifications when evaluated objectively with fibre-optic endoscopy. Subjects with dysphagia were more severely disabled and more often had a progressive form of MS, compared to MS subjects with normal swallowing. In subjects with EDSS, < 4, 8 (13.3%), had a DOSS < 4. Seventy-five percent of subjects older than 60 years of age had dysphagia.
Conclusion: In this sample of MS patients, more nearly 60% showed swallowing problems.
Keywords: DOSS; Deglutition; Deglutition disorders; Dysphagia; FEES; Multiple sclerosis.