Transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) for treatment of laryngeal cancer has reduced temporary tracheotomies, increased organ preservation rates, and improved functional results. Gold standard for laser-based transoral resection of laryngeal cancer is the application of CO2 lasers. Oncologically safe radical resection and postoperative voice outcome must be weighed up individually. Angiolytic laser effects enable modification of the tumor micromilieu by targeted obliteration of microvessels and antagonization of angiogenesis with preservation of vibrating laryngeal tissue for good voice function. Introduction of the German S3 guideline on diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of laryngeal cancer is a critical step towards national evidence-based standardization. Internationally, the evidence for treatment of laryngeal mucosal dysplasia and T1a cancer with angiolytic potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) lasers is increasing. Angiolytic lasers are also used for juvenile papillomatosis and suspension microlaryngoscopy under general anesthesia or local anesthesia in selected patients.
Keywords: KTP; Laryngeal cancer; Laryngeal papillomatosis; TLM; Voice.