Peptide retention time prediction models have been developed for zwitter-ionic ZIC-HILIC and ZIC-cHILIC stationary phases (pH 4.5 eluents) using proteomics-derived retention datasets of ~30 thousand tryptic peptides each. Overall, hydrophilicity of these stationary phases was found to be similar to the previously studied Amide HILIC phase, but lower compared to bare silicas. Peptide retention is driven by interactions of all charged (hydrophilic) residues at pH 4.5 (Asp, Glu, Arg, Lys, His), but shows specificity according to orientation of functional groups in zwitter-ionic pair. Thus, ZIC-cHILIC exhibits an increased contribution of negatively charged Asp and Glu due to the distal positioning of positively charged quaternary amines on the stationary phase. These findings confirm that HILIC interactions are driven by both peptide distribution between water layer adsorbed on the stationary phase and by interactions specific to functional groups of the packing material. Sequence-Specific Retention Calculator HILIC models were optimized for these columns showing 0.967-0.976 R2-values between experimental and predicted retention values. ZIC-HILIC separations represent a good choice as a first dimension in 2D LC-MS of peptide mixtures with correlations between retention values of ZIC-HILIC against RPLC found at 0.197 (ZIC-HILIC) and 0.137 (ZIC-cHILIC) R2-values, confirming a good orthogonality.
Keywords: Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography; Peptide retention prediction; Zwitter-ionic stationary phases.
Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier B.V.