Effects of Individualized Dialysate Sodium Prescription in Hemodialysis - Results from a Prospective Interventional Trial

Indian J Nephrol. 2020 Jan-Feb;30(1):3-7. doi: 10.4103/ijn.IJN_391_18. Epub 2019 Dec 27.


Introduction: Individualized dialysate sodium prescription does affect weight gain, blood pressure (BP), and intradialytic complications. A prospective interventional trial (Dialysate Individualised Sodium (DISO) trial) was conducted to study this issue in Indian patients.

Methods: Forty patients on thrice-weekly maintenance hemodialysis (HD) for at least 6 weeks were enrolled. The study was performed in two different phases. In the first phase, 12 consecutive HD sessions were done with a standard dialysate sodium concentration of 140 mEq/L. In the second phase, 12 consecutive HD sessions were done with dialysate sodium concentration set to individualized value (mean of pre-HD sodium concentration multiplied by Donnan coefficient of 0.95). Differences in pre- and post-HD sodium, interdialytic weight gain (IDWG), pre- and post-HD BP, thirst scores, and intradialytic adverse events during both phases were assessed.

Results: The mean age of patients was 45.65 years (24 males, 16 females). The mean serum pre-HD sodium level was 138.7 ± 1.7 meq/L in the standard phase and 138.2 ± 2.6meq/L in the individualized phase (P = 0.229). In the standard phase, the mean IDWG was 2.64 ± 1.56 kg and 2.13 ± 0.99 kg in the individualized phase (P = 0.008). The mean pre-HD systolic BP was 138 ± 18 mmHg and 134 ± 17 mmHg in the standard and individualized phases (P = 0.008). There was no difference in intradialytic symptoms, hypotensive episodes or requirement of interventions. Hypertension episodes occurred at a mean value of 2.2 and 1.2 in the standard and individualized phases, respectively (P = 0.010).

Conclusion: The use of individualized dialysate sodium level is safe and results in lower IDWG, pre-HD systolic BP, and intradialytic hypertension in patients on HD.

Keywords: Dialysate sodium; hemodialysis; individualized sodium; sodium set point.