This paper describes sociodemographic, sexual risk behavior, and clinical care factors associated with sustained viral suppression (SVS) among heterosexual Black men with diagnosed HIV in the US. Sample was 968 men, 2015-2017 cycles of Medical Monitoring Project. We used prevalence ratios and a multivariable logistic regression model to identify independent predictors of SVS. About 9% of sexually active men had sex that carries a risk of HIV transmission. Nearly 2/3 lived at or below the poverty level, 13% were under or uninsured, 1/4 experienced food insecurity and 15% reported recent homelessness. About 26% were not engaged in HIV care, 8% not currently taking antiretroviral therapy (ART) and 59% had SVS. Among men taking ART, care engagement and adherence were the only significant independent predictors of SVS. Efforts to increase VS should focus on increasing ART use, care engagement, and ART adherence, and include strategies that address the social and structural factors that influence them.
Keywords: Black/African American heterosexual men; HIV treatment and care; Racial/ethnic disparities; Social determinants of health; Sustained viral suppression.