Cases of acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis (AHC) caused by a coxsackie virus A24 variant (CV-A24v) in Mexico have been reported since 1987; however, no molecular data on the causative strains have been available. Here, we report the identification of the etiological agent responsible for the most recent AHC outbreak in southeastern Mexico (at the end of 2017) as well as the complete genome sequences of seven isolates, using next-generation sequencing (NGS). Phylogenomic analysis of the CV-A24v sequences reported here showed similarity to contemporary strains causing AHC outbreaks in French Guiana and Uganda, forming a novel clade related to genotype IV. Moreover, a specific mutational pattern in the non-structural proteins was identified in the 2017 isolates. This is the first report of genetic characterization of CV-A24v isolates obtained in Mexico.