Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a serious and growing global public health threat. Modern medical and veterinary practice depends on the widespread availability of effective antimicrobials to prevent and treat infections in humans and animals. Addressing the growing threat of AMR in Canada is a shared responsibility; Antimicrobial Resistance and Use in Canada: A Federal Framework for Action serves as a starting point for a collaborative response. The goal of the Framework is: "To protect Canadians from the health risks related to antimicrobial resistance." It includes three pillars: Surveillance, Stewardship, and Innovation. The Framework identifies concrete Government of Canada actions to reduce the threat and impact of AMR. Equally important, it is a vehicle to engage partners and stakeholders in discussions on efforts that, together, can significantly increase the results of individual actions. Beyond the Government of Canada, provinces and territories, academia, animal and human health professionals, food production stakeholders, animal producer groups and farmers, as well as private industry each hold essential levers to reduce AMR. By continuing to work together, we will collectively achieve greater results in reducing the risks of antimicrobial resistance and protecting the health and safety of all Canadians.