Pneumonia and in particular aspiration pneumonia, is a common disease in geriatrics. These aspirations are often due to dysphagia, which is frequently first noticed in the context of a geriatric assessment. The reasons for dysphagia are manifold. In this geriatric department several patients have been detected in recent months in whom a Zenker diverticulum was the cause of recurrent aspiration pneumonia. The swallowing disorder was already apparent during the logopedic examination on admission to hospital. A supplementary fiber optic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) revealed a postswallow hypopharyngeal reflux (PSHR), which is typical for a Zenker diverticulum. A supplementary contrast esophagography confirmed the findings. In the present case the treatment of choice was a myotomy with a flexible endoscope performed by gastroenterologists. After successful treatment, swallowing was again possible with no indications of penetration or aspiration in the FEES control. The case highlights the importance of logopedic diagnostics and treatment in geriatric patients with recurrent pneumonia. With the aid of early diagnostics it was possible to quickly recognize the finding of a PSHR that is typical for a Zenker diverticulum. The findings in this case could be clearly demonstrated based on the images of the FEES and contrast esophagography.
Keywords: Deglutition disorders; Myotomy; Pneumonia, aspiration; Speech therapy; Zenker diverticulum.